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Embodying Stillness

RP Practices to Help Stabilize Your
Attunement to Fundamental Consciousness 

Qualities of Being 
5 Tuesdays in October 2023
2:00 - 3:30pmPT / 5-6:30pmET

Realization Process Online Journeys
with Candace Cave

On-screen demonstration by Beth Franzese
Video recording links shared with all registrants.
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About Embodying Stillness

It's all well and good to sit in your chair and meditate, to unwind constrictions and release holding patterns. But if you don't open to finding Fundamental Consciousness while walking around in the world, it's unlikely you will become stable in your embodied experience of that spacious stillness, that unchanging ground of your being, fundamental consciousness. 


RP instructions are designed as portals. The more subtle we become inhabiting those portals, the more open we are to the ongoing, unchanging experience of fundamental consciousness. 


I intend these serial Realization Process explorations, Embodying Stillness, as a transformational journey. We will engage RP Healing Through Embodiment & Stillness Moving practices with the whole Realization Process canon (including empathic ground, meditation, embodiment, healing ground). Each week, we will move slowly & explore deeply different avenues for stabilizing your experience of fundamental consciousness: points, core, qualities, gravity, location.


Each series of 5 class is designed with a different orientation of support. January 2023 we explored Wholeness; May 2023 we explored Balance, the absolute stillness of fundamental consciousness; October 2023 we explore the Qualities of Being.


All Embodying Stillness classes are intended to gently point you towards increasingly subtle depths of felt experience and enable you to practice living & moving in/as fundamental consciousness, anytime & anywhere. 

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Judith Blackstone writes about the Qualities of Being:


“Even though Fundamental Consciousness is experienced as stillness, it is lively, luminous stillness... It is important for both healing and for spiritual awakening to attune to specific qualities that appear to be inherent in this lively pervasive space. The qualities, which we attune to everywhere, are experienced as the fundalmental qualities of our own being... Attuning to these qualities can help us feel whole within ourselves and unified with our surroundings."




What to Expect
Embodying Stillness

  • 5-class series: 60-minute class + 20 minutes Q & A

  • Mostly experiential guided exercises 

  • Opportunity for transformation

  • Time for questions

  • Nuanced exploration inhabiting your body & core

  • Practical support for your desire to move through the world with ease, embodied in fluidity & grace

  • Drawing upon RP Embodiment & Stillness Moving, Healing Ground & Meditation & Healing Through Embodiment = All aspects of Realization Process

  • Demonstrations on-screen by Beth Franzese

  • Downloadable video recordings for all participants

  • Need not be online live to participate

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About Candace Cave


At sea on a small sailboat, I experienced & stabilized in embodied nonduality: everything in my environment was moving but the core of my body was the unwavering center that pervaded ocean & sky & breath. Whenever I was on land, this awakening was unavailable. Until Realization Process guided me to live at the center of all experience, to become, as when 1000s of miles from land, Stillness Moving. Come join me, & discover how to move Embodying Stillness with fluidity, grace & ease.

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Embodying Stillness
5 Tuesdays, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
2:00pmPT/5:00pmET (-8UTC) 

This class series is cancelled 
because of lack of enrollment.

Questions? Contact Candace:

Embodying Stillness Registraion

Embodying Stillness

​I couldn't be more glad that I joined.  These stillness-moving exercises have been supporting me in a deep and mysterious way, and it has been very fun to incorporate them into my days (integrating them with QiGong, yoga, dance, walking down the street, etc.).  I have been practicing RP exercises very regularly for almost 3 years and it feels that these still-moving exercises are what I have been waiting for for a long time. 

-Jason Von Halle, Fully Certified RP Teacher


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with Candace Cave

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If you would like one on one assistance, Candace can guide you in a private session.



Learn from Candace Cave


Upcoming Workshops and Classes

with Candace Cave

Private Sessions

If you would like one on one assistance, Candace can guide you in a private session.

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