About Candace Cave
At age 9 I learned to sail on San Francisco Bay.
1981-2008 I sailed a small boat 40,000 ocean miles.
On ocean crossings longer than 5 days, In a constantly moving universe, I became the still center of all pervasive space. Fundamental Consciousness arose spontaneously as an embodied experience. This felt like the nirvana yoga practice promised.
Whenever I returned to land, embodied nirvana disappeared.
In 1983 I actively turned my spiritual embodiment practice & studies to uncovering & stabilizing this self-arising attunement of embodied nonduality,
In 2010 I read a book by Judith Blackstone. At my first class with her in 2011, when she instructed, "the space inside is the same as the space outside, & you are the center of that experience" I realized the source of my quest was to be found in Realization Process.
Since then, I've studied 100s of hours with Judith Blackstone & 1000s of hours guiding RP students.
I sailed across oceans to south sea islands, navigating the voyages with a sextant & charts. I rely on Realization Process to navigate my journey to retrieve the most subtle dimension of myself & to live embodied in wholeness of being.
I invite you to sail along with me on a journey to discover yourself as the center of all pervaive experience.

I know what it feels like...
To Feel disconnected from people & the movement of life.
➺ RP guided me to rest in my core, feeling I am the center of all experience.
To Feel Overwhelmed by details & connections & expectations.
➺ RP guided me into my subtle core & ever-unifying disentangling.
To Experience Chronic Pain when I walk.
➺ RP & a good PT helped settle balance points & awaken qualities in my body. My body now moves with grace & ease.
To Feel Abandoned by those I believed loved me.
➺ RP revealed foundations as body locations of reliable support from Gravity.
To Struggle against old patterns that repeatedly trigger inappropriate response.
➺ RP unwound constrictions & offered unified wholeness in all qualities.
To Experience Embodied Awakening & lose that feeling over & over.
➺ RP practice gradually helped me be "whole enough" to feel mostly stable & attuned to FC amidst all of the movement of life.
To Puzzle over the permutations of meaning, experience & depth in the deceptively simple RP instructions.
➺ RP practice, study inquiry & exploration provides ever-deepening insights.

You will find me warm, welcoming, interested, compassionate, deep, fun, imaginative, insightful, enthusiastic, with good see/feel.
My particular skills are honed to help you use each RP instruction as a portal to deeper & more stable embodied nonduality.
precision in finding core points,
more thorough balancing,
refined inhabiting,
adjusting relationships with gravity,
kindling attunement to the qualities of being,
clarifying your abilities to receive,
disentangling bindings,
unwinding patterns,
absorbing & dissolving struggle & pain,
​I will use RP to help you
Feel that you are in contact with your self everywhere inside your body at once.
Embody your most supportive relationship with the ground of being as your foundation,
Live & breathe more fully in the subtle core of your body,
Awaken & stabilize the full capacity of your wholeness of being,
Engage life with equanimity & authenticity.
Move with grace & ease. ​

Our Work Together will be based entirely on Realization Process principles & practices, + on-going RP experience of myself & my students. I have 100s of hours of RP training, 1000s of hours guiding individuals & classes, & more than a decade of devoted personal practice & study with the work of Judith Blackstone, RP's founder.
I am a RP Senior Teacher, Fully Certified in all aspects of Realization Process, with Advanced Certificates in Trauma Repair & Stillness Moving. I am Primary Assistant Teacher for Online RP Teacher Trainings & will co-teach the Oceana & Asia RP Embodiment Teacher Training beginning June 2022. An avid student of Realization Process, I enjoy weekly practice exchanges with several RP colleagues, regularly attend RP classes & workshops offered by others, & find every opportunity available to attend a RP class with Judith Blackstone.

Opportunities to Explore RP with Candace
Are you a Beginning RP Student?
I am delighted to meet you in:
RP Online Essentials Workshop
RP Relationships (partnered with an RP practitioner)
RP Classes & workshops hosted by other teachers, including Judith Blackstone
Are you an Experienced Novice or Dedicated RP Practitioner?
I am happy to meet you in:
RP Online Community Practice
Any Workshop or Class that I offer
Private Sessions
RP Classes & workshops hosted by other teachers, including Judith Blackstone
Are you a RP Teacher or Student RP Teacher?
I have supported RP teachers (online) since 2017. It is my passion.
I welcome our engagement in all classes & workshops.
Private Sessions to explore your own process and/or...
30-minute sessions addressing specific RP questions & conundrums .
Practical application to help you address RP exercises & principles, your personal practice, or your teaching.
Interested Fully Certified RP Teachers can explore guiding groups as guest host of RP Online Community Practice.
RP students-in-training receive 30-minute session discount during ongoing trainings (Oct-April)