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RP Online Community Practice

For Dedicated & Experienced Realization Process Practitioners
Sundays 10:00 am PT  &  Mondays 4:00 pm PT
Make Your Contribution Below
Click the Zoom link to Participate
Ongoing, Reliable, Supportive
Online Guided 60-minute Realization Process Practice 
Followed by Participant Communication
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RP Online Community Practice is Offered in the Spirit of Sangha.

We come together weekly to support our personal Realization Process practice,
to deepen our embodied attunement to Fundamental 
and to explore the ground of our being
within a relational community of RP committed practitioners.

To participate, please have experience being guided by a RP teacher privately or in a class, and also dedicated experience practicing these exercises for at least 4 month:
Attunement to Fundamental Consciousness; Core Breath; Attunement to the Essential Qualities of FC; Foundational Groudning 

Please contact Candace before initially contibruting or attending!

Candace has facilitated RP Online Community Practice  weekly since August 2016.

Our meetings welcome Guest Hosts (fully certified RP Teachers)

Monthly Link

Every Sunday 10:00 am Pacific Time (-8UTC)
& Monday 4:00 pm Pacific Time

Meeting Duration is 75-90 minutes.

Password Required.

1. Make your Contribution from the options below.

2. Click the Zoom link for the month of your meeting.

3. Enter meeting password. (contact Candace)*

*Contact Candace before your first visit!
Contact Candace Before Your First Contribution
Please describe your Realization Process experience



One-Time Drop in Contribution

$5.50 provides you a recording & pays Zoom fees. Contributing more supports the host for guiding.

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Contact Candace Before Your First Visit
Please describe your Realization Process experience 

Drop in Five Times

Please use within 12 weeks of contribution. We appreciate your commitment to RP Online Community Practice!

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Community Practice Payment

RP Community Practice

 "I truly appreciate your dedication to directing us to a greater understanding and the experience of RP."

-Susan B., Arizona, USA. RP practitioner since 2020
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